Wednesday, November 7, 2012


We can elect the well known and well loved Snoopy and a Care Bear in to office...nothing will change or progress if we are not on one accord. In order to move forward, we must pick up our feet and pick up the pace. The election is over!!! Your candidate may not have won. The mud slinging, dirt throwing, and nitpicking needs to cease. We are a nation of so many different backgrounds!!!! We may never have complete World peace...but, Can we get together, set aside our pride, prejudices, egos, and special interests for the greater good of OUR Country? You have to live here. I have to live here. OUR families have to live here. Why deliberately destroy or hinder what so many fought so hard to build. You might have the worst boss on the planet...but you still show up to work, you still show up and be a team player, you still show up and do what's expected of you. When you are busy looking back while digging a hole for someone else, you too may fall in it. Our President is only as good as the people we elect to support him. The people that are elected to support him is only as good as the voters. Voting for President...yes, it's important. But, important!!!! General, Senate, House, Governors, Mayors,..etc.... You NEED to vote!!!! Hold all the people we elect to any office accountable. If they fail..we fail!!! MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS AMERICA!!!! ╰☆╮★ ╰☆╮★ ╰☆╮★ ╰☆╮★    GREAT WORDS FROM A GREAT VOICE MS. QUEEN LASHELLE KIRKLAND......

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